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Barito Pacific Group With Bakti Barito Foundation Delivers Covid-19 Aids to Palang Merah Indonesia

Jakarta, 31 December 2018 - PT Barito Pacific Tbk. (“Barito Pacific”, “BRPT” or the “Company” today announced its audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018. The Company's consolidated net income of US$3,076 million, EBITDA of US$813 million and net income after tax of US$ $3,076 million, EBITDA of US$813 million and net profit after tax of US$242 million.

Empowering Indonesia's Food Security: Bakti Pangan Lestari Program Cultivates Sustainable Farming Practices Nationwide and change

Jakarta, 28 December 2021 – Bakti Barito Foundation is supporting Indonesia’s food security goal through Bakti Pangan Lestari Program.