Bakti Pangan Lestari Program Wins a Golden Award in The Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals Awards (ISDA) 2021


Jakarta, 10 September 2021 - Bakti Barito Foundation received a gold category award for its sustainable food service program in the Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals Awards (ISDA) on Friday (17/9/2021) in Jakarta.

Bakti Pangan Lestari is a social community program implemented by PT Royal Lestari Utama and supported by Bakti Barito Foundation to improve community food security through agricultural activities that are more environmentally friendly.

Director of Bakti Barito Foundation Dian Purbasari said, "Food sovereignty is the foundation of the nation's sustainability. Therefore Bakti Barito Foundation focuses on pushing the direction of food sovereignty in Indonesia. The achievement of this program could only be accomplished thanks to the collaboration and partnership with various parties, and we extend our most appreciation to all of our partners. This award is a great honor for us and has increased our enthusiasm to continue in improving ourselves and expanding the impact of Bakti Barito's work.

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Bakti Barito is a foundation for better. Because when Indonesia thrives, we do too.

The Bakti Barito Foundation serves as our platform for sustainability initiatives. Its focus areas are revitalizing the environment, broadening access to education, and uplifting lives and livelihoods. The foundation runs focused initiatives across four positive impact pillars: Environment, Economy, Society, and Education. 

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