
At Barito Pacific, we make the world a better place for future generations. In this, we are guided by our mission: to create a positive impact beyond returns. With our businesses and strategic partners, we execute against measurable operational interventions, make critical investments in clean and renewable energy, and align sustainability to core business objectives. With deep respect for the communities in which we operate, we prioritize public health and safety. At Barito, we recognize that successful ESG execution is contingent on our employees and their ability to operate our facilities, often under strenuous Covid-19 protocols. Our COVID-19 Taskforce, consisting of senior management and technical teams representatives, monitors daily operations and implements protocols aligned to government and best practice directives.
Towards tomorrow. For better.
While global challenges cannot be addressed by an organization alone, our ESG initiatives show we are committed to being part of the solution. We will continue this path towards greater sustainability by investing in green projects and encouraging all our subsidiaries, partners, suppliers, and customers to commit to the same as we have done as a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact.
Download our Sustainability Report to learn more.
In 2020, we published our second stand-alone sustainability report. It showcases how we adhere to and surpass current regulatory requirements in Indonesia.