As Effort to Build a Sustainable Earth, Bakti Barito Foundation and Chandra Asri Collaborate Through Education Programs in Elementary Schools


Jakarta, 4 February 2022 - Bakti Barito Foundation (YBB) together with Chandra Asri conducted an educational program with the theme “Kelola Plastik untuk Bumi Lestari,” which was held at SD YPWKS IV, Purwakarta, Cilegon, West Java. In addition to increasing responsible consumption behavior, this educational program is also one of the efforts to support the Indonesian Government's target to reduce 70% of plastic waste.

The event was attended by the Mayor of Cilegon, Mr. Helldy Agustian, whose remarks expressed his appreciation for YBB and Chandra Asri who initiated this educational program.

He said, “I really appreciate the activities carried out by the Bakti Barito Foundation and Chandra Asri to foster responsible behavior. So that it will become a tradition, changing habits, because what we know in developed countries to my knowledge is still difficult even though the place has been prepared.”

The main series of activities carried out were training of trainers, that 45 teachers who attended the workshop in order to later provide understanding to their students about the contents of the plastic management learning module for a sustainable earth. The learning modules are available in video format so as to encourage interactive learning for students.

The event was also attended by the Head of Corporate Communication of Barito Pacific, Angelin Sumendap, Community Relations Manager Chandra Asri, Wawan Mulyana and Head of the Krakatau Steel Education Foundation, Aris Subrata.

In the practice of this educational program, the Bakti Barito Foundation has also collaborated with STKIP Surya and Vital Ocean Foundation. Not only in Cilegon, this educational program is also implemented in Jakarta and Garut. Until now, there are 11 elementary schools that have participated in the program.

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Bakti Barito is a foundation for better. Because when Indonesia thrives, we do too.

The Bakti Barito Foundation serves as our platform for sustainability initiatives. Its focus areas are revitalizing the environment, broadening access to education, and uplifting lives and livelihoods. The foundation runs focused initiatives across four positive impact pillars: Environment, Economy, Society, and Education. 

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