Garut District Education Office Collaborates with Bakti Barito Foundation to Organize Technical Guidance on the Implementation of the Curriculum Merdeka


Jakarta, 5 August 2022 – The Garut Regency Education Office (Disdik) in collaboration with the Bakti Barito Foundation (Bakti Barito) as a development partner in providing technical guidance (Bimtek) on the Implementation of the Curriculum Merdeka (IKM) on Tuesday (2/8).

A total of 55 resource persons who are School Supervisors and Regional Coordinators of the Teacher Working Group (KKG) in Garut Regency, West Java also attended this program.

The activity which was carried out in a hybrid manner at the Garut Regency Education Office was attended by the Secretary of the Service, Head of the Elementary School (SD), Head of Curriculum, Regional Coordinators and School Supervisors, technical guidance resource persons, and was followed online by Elementary Schools throughout Garut Regency.

Ade Manadin as the Head of the Garut Regency Education Office expressed his appreciation for Bakti Barito who had helped make this activity a success.

"We really appreciate and thank Bakti Barito for actively helping to make technical guidance activities related to the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum successful," said Ade.

Furthermore, this activity will be carried out offline for 4 days until Friday (5/8). Later as many as 55 people who received a briefing in this activity will provide technical guidance for IKM to 1,431 elementary schools located in 10 points throughout Garut.

Dian A. Purbasari as Director of Bakti Barito said that this briefing was carried out by the Bakti Barito team through the Bakti Pendidikan Unggul Foundation in collaboration with various experts in the field of biodiversity conservation and geodesy experts for the hydrological cycle as briefing materials.

"In addition to the guidance of theMerdeka Curriculum, we also provide briefings on environmental education which includes waste management, biodiversity conservation and the hydrological cycle, as a strengthening of the profile of Pancasila students, considering the natural context of arrowroot surrounded by mountains, forests, to the south sea coast,"said Dian A. Purbasari.

This activity is a tangible manifestation of Bakti Barito's concern for education and the environment throughout Indonesia.

It is hoped that with the technical guidance provided for the implementation of the independent curriculum, this will be able to improve the quality of education in Garut Regency.

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The Bakti Barito Foundation serves as our platform for sustainability initiatives. Its focus areas are revitalizing the environment, broadening access to education, and uplifting lives and livelihoods. The foundation runs focused initiatives across four positive impact pillars: Environment, Economy, Society, and Education. 

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