


Press Release

Barito Pacific Secures Rp 700 billion Revolving Credit Facility from Bank BTN

Jakarta, 27 December 2024 – PT Barito Pacific Tbk (IDX: BRPT) is pleased to announce the successful securing of a Rp 700 billion corporate loan from PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (Bank BTN). This strategic financial facility underscores Barito Pacific's proven financial track record and will provide financial flexibility for the company’s operational activities.

Bakti Barito Foundation and STiR Education Collaborate to Elevate Teacher Training and Learning Outcomes in Garut Regency

Communities in Indonesia Unite to Rebuild Schools Devastated by Earthquake

Jakarta, 11 October 2024 – In the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck Garut, communities are uniting to rebuild two schools, SDN 3 Barusari and SDN 4 Barusari, located in the Pasirwangi district, Garut Regency in West Java. 

Completion of Plastic Asphalt Road Target, Garut District Becomes the Closing Location with a Total Asphalt Coverage of 50.2 km

Garut, March 7, 2024 – PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (Chandra Asri Group), a leading chemical and infrastructure solutions company in Indonesia, proudly announces the achievement of surpassing the target of 100 km of plastic asphalt roads, a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders such as the government, private sector, and associations.

Ministry of National Development Planning Honors Bakti Barito Foundation with 2023 Indonesia’s SDG Action Award in Philanthropy

At the SDG Annual Conference convened by the Ministry of National Development Planning in Indonesia, Bakti Barito Foundation won third place for their integrated farming program to help smallholder farmers and their families build climate resilience and food security.

Bukalapak and Bakti Barito Foundation in collaboration to support more than 15 million MSMEs for waste management

Bukalapak and Bakti Barito Foundation are collaborating together to support Indonesia’s goal to reduce unmanaged waste while enhancing awareness of Bukalapak’s MSME (Micro, Small, Medium Enterprise) partners in sorting out and managing waste, including organic and inorganic waste produced by the latter’s sales and packaging activities.

Focusing on renewable energy growth, Barito Pacific increased its ownership of geothermal assets

Monday, 2 January 2023 – Barito Pacific increased its ownership in Wayang Windu, Salak and Darajat geothermal assets, through a series of transactions: purchase of 30% effective ownership in Star Energy Geothermal Pte. Ltd (“SEGPL”) and purchase of 30.25% shares in Star Phoenix Geothermal JV B.V. (“SPG”), both completed in December 2022.

Barito Pacific Group in cooperation with Indonesia’s State Owned Electricity Company, Supports The Country’s Energy Transition

Jakarta,  21 November 2022  - Barito Pacific is set to support Indonesia’s on the country’s energy transition. During last week’s B20 Summit in Bali, two of Barito Pacific subsidiaries, Star Energy Geothermal and Indo Raya Tenaga signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PLN (Indonesia’s State-owned Electricity Company) Group that will contribute to Indonesia’s energy transition by reducing carbon foot print and cutting emissions from the plant operations.

Star Energy Geothermal Commitment to Use Electric Cars, Cooperation with PLN for charging stations

Nusa Dua, 14 November 2022*– Pada hari ini, Star Energy Geothermal (SEG), perusahaan energi panas bumi terbesar di Indonesia bersama PT PLN (Persero) melakukan penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) terkait penyediaan infrastuktur stasiun pengisian kendaraan listrik umum (SPKLU) untuk operasional kendaraan bermotor listrik berbasis baterai (KBLBB) di wilayah operasional Star Energy Geothermal. Penandatanganan ini dilakukan disela-sela acara B20 yang diselenggarakan di Nusa Dua, Bali.