Star Energy Geothermal, a Subsidiary of Barito Renewables, Successfully Completes Salak Binary


Barito Renewables has again realized its strategic expansion step with the completion of the Salak Binary project, a new generating unit at the Star Energy Geothermal power plant site on Mount Halimun Salak.

President Director of Barito Renewables, Hendra Tan said, "We have completed the commissioning test of the Salak Binary Project. In a test spanning 72 hours, Salak Binary managed to produce 15.5 MW gross capacity, higher than our initial expectations. We would like to thank all stakeholders and the entire team who supported the completion of this project."

The Salak Binary project is one of the main projects in Barito Renewables' organic expansion strategy in the field of new and renewable energy. Prior to this, Barito Renewables also carried out inorganic expansion by acquiring the Sidrap I windfarm, which contributed a jumbo capacity of 78.75 MW of clean electricity generation.

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