Barito Pacific Through Bakti Barito Foundation Donated 1000 Tons of Rice to Central Java


Jakarta, 18 August 2021 — The Covid-19 pandemic brings uncertainty and causes vulnerable groups of people to lose their livelihoods. To help people affected by the pandemic and based on the spirit of sharing. In order to help people affected by the pandemic and based on the spirit of sharing, Prajogo Pangestu, founder of the Barito Pacific Group through the Bakti Barito Foundation, donated 1000 tons of rice to people who need rice staples because they were directly affected by the emergency PPKM. This assistance is channeled through the Regional Military Command IV/Diponegoro which is the Regional Defense Command covering the Provinces of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs of Indonesia, and Deputy Chair of the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery expressed their appreciation, "I think today in the midst of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government cannot stand alone without the help and participation of all parties. I appreciate and thank Barito Pacific for donating rice aid that has been distributed by TNI in the field to ease the burden on the community, especially daily and informal workers who are the most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic."

Agus Salim Pangestu, President Director of PT Barito Pacific Tbk said, "This is a service to the Indonesian people as a form of our solidarity and sympathy as an Indonesian company, because we can only get through this pandemic if we support and help each other."

The aid of 1,000 tons of rice is distributed in stages. Starting from the distribution of 100 tons of rice in Semarang by Military Regional Command Headquarters IV/Diponegoro, followed by 300 tons of rice for Banyumas district distributed by Military Resort Command 071/Wijayakusuma Purwokerto. The next stage, Military Resort Command 074/Wirastratama Solo distributed 300 tons of rice to the city of Solo, and closed with the distribution of 300 tons of rice to 60.000 families in the city of Salatiga by Military Resort Command 073/Makutarama Salatiga.

Previously, the Barito Pacific Group together with Founder, Prajogo Pangestu, continued to help the government and the community in handling Covid-19 by donating thousands of personal protective clothing, tens of thousands of medicines, dozens of ventilators, 1 unit of PCR lab car, hundreds of oxygen cylinders, thousands of tons of rice, thousands of units. Oxygen concentrators, hundreds of thousands of masks, tens of thousands of basic necessities, tens of thousands of PCR and rapid test kits, tens of water tanks and hundreds of tons of liquid oxygen.



About Bakti Barito Foundation

Bakti Barito Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Prajogo Pangestu and Harlina Tjandinegara in 2011 as a platform to give back and contribute to the communities. Bakti Barito is focusing on four pillars: Education, Environment, Economics and Social Affairs. To get the latest update, please visit


For further information please contact:

Corporate secretary

PT Barito Pacific Tbk.

Phone: (62-21) 530 6711

Fax: (62-21) 530 6680


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