Barito Pacific Group Donates Qurban


Jakarta, 29 July 2020 - Barito Pacific Group handed over sacrificial animals to welcome Eid al-Adha 1441 H. Sacrificial animals were handed over to the West Jakarta Police, Slipi An-Nur Foundation & Mosque, Al-Furqon-Slipi Foundation, and Jamie Al Fatah-Juanda Mosque. Palmerah Police station, Koramil 03 / Grogol. This time Chandra Asri also donated a thin wall container for qurban meat packaging to make it more hygienic and environmentally friendly because it can be reused and recycled. This plastic container is a substitute for the plastic bag that is usually used to wrap qurban meat. The hope is that besides fostering love for others, we also cultivate a sense of compassion for nature.

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