Bakti Barito and Garut City Government Build Teacher’s Capacity as part of Merdeka Curriculum


Jakarta, 5 August 2022 - Garut District Education Office is collaborating with Bakti Barito Foundation (Bakti Barito)  and held a series of trainings as part of Merdeka Curriculum. School supervisors and teachers’ working group coordinator are among the 55 participants attending the training, held on 2 to 5 August 2022 in Garut City, West Java.

The Head of the Garut Education Office, Ade Manadin, said "We appreciate and thank Bakti Barito who has been proactive in supporting our learning activities through trainings under the umbrella of Merdeka Curriculum. We hope that this activity will be able to improve the quality of education in Garut district".

The four-day activity is attended by 55 school teachers who will then extend and teach the materials to 1431 elementary schools located in all over Garut.

Director of the Bakti Barito Foundation, Dian A. Purbasari explained that the training was carried out through Bakti Pendidikan Unggul Foundation which is part of Bakti Barito Foundation, and in collaboration with various experts in the field of biodiversity conservation and geodesy with emphasis on hydrological cycle. Dian also added that Bakti Barito Foundation is committed to support to support Indonesia’s development and considers education and environment preservation as key to achieving it.

"In addition, the training  also provides materials on environmental education which includes waste management, biodiversity conservation, and hydrological cycles, as part of building Pancasila students profile. These topics are especially important considering the natural topography of Garut being surrounded by mountains and forest with close proximity to the Indian Ocean,” Dian said.



About Bakti Barito Foundation

Bakti Barito Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Prajogo Pangestu and Harlina Tjandinegara in 2011 as a platform to give back and contribute to the communities. Bakti Barito is focusing on four pillars: Education, Environment, Economics and Social Affairs. To get the latest update, please visit 


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Bakti Barito is a foundation for better. Because when Indonesia thrives, we do too.

The Bakti Barito Foundation serves as our platform for sustainability initiatives. Its focus areas are revitalizing the environment, broadening access to education, and uplifting lives and livelihoods. The foundation runs focused initiatives across four positive impact pillars: Environment, Economy, Society, and Education. 

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